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Sacred Soothsayer

Matzes Sananga

Matzes Sananga

Regular price $25.00 USD
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This variety of Sananga is sourced from the Matses in Peru. Whilst most of our other Sananga products are made from dried plant material, these drops are made from the raw juice of the fresh inner cambium layer of the Sananga plant. It is then diluted with distilled water to a medium-strong potency.  Dry and abrasive in sensation and a peak burn duration of approximately 3-5 minutes long. This Sananga is not for the novice. Experienced users of extreme strength may find this version moderate in strength and duration. We advise storing in the fridge. When not in use for a period of time, a small layer of residue may form on the bottom of the bottle. Simply shake the bottle before use. More information can be found below.

Packed in 5 ml clear glass bottles with pipette dropper.

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This natural product is offered for its ethnographic and historical value and is delivered with no expressed or implied fitness for a specific purpose. It is simply a raw botanical specimen, or a scientific sample. The information provided is purely meant for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use. The use and application of our product is at the customer's decision, responsibility and risk.

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