Hare Haux Large Feather Kuripe
Hare Haux Large Feather Kuripe
These wonderful kuripes are incredibly durable. The scoop is smooth and the blow is exceptional. They are made by a master pipe craftsman, our friend Carlito in Brazil.
Please note that these are individual pieces of art and the look may be slightly different than pictured Kuripe. We will be sending you a large style Feather totem Kuripe with this item choice.
About The Tribe
About The Tribe
This natural product is offered for its ethnographic and historical value and is delivered with no expressed or implied fitness for a specific purpose. It is simply a raw botanical specimen, or a scientific sample. The information provided is purely meant for historical, scientific and educational purposes and should never be interpreted as a recommendation for a specific use. The use and application of our product is at the customer's decision, responsibility and risk.
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